
0.99 usd

Nuovo tema per KLWP che consentono di personalizzare tutto dalla vostra homescreen

How to use the wallpaper📄nn✔ Install KLWP PRO from the play storen✔ Install Nova Launcher (set 1 homescreen page in the launcher)n✔ Install NEO for KLWPn✔ Open KLWP app and tap on the menu icon on top left, then choose NEO for KLWP wallpaper from the installed list.n✔ At the top right corner set the number of pages to 1n✔ Tap on the save icon in the top right corner to apply the wallpapern✔ You can check the "Global" section in KLWP to customize any part of the wallpaper (preset is unlocked)nnFeatures:n📌change colors and background wallpaper directly from your homescreenn📌Nav bar supportn📌location and weather informationn📌rss news feedsn📌eventsn📌music playernnnIf you have any queries kindly contact me directly through hangouts or gmail or you may also give your feedback on my Google Plus collection link below ✏n DO NOT POST YOUR QUERIES OR QUESTIONS ON THE REVIEW SECTION OF THE PLAYSTORE.. PLEASE USE THE GOOGLE PLUS LINK TO DO SO..